62. Please click the button "Send inquiry" which opens a new e-mail message. Este artigo sobre futebolistas húngaros é um esboço relacionado ao projeto desporto. Date of birth/Age: 22/03/1981 (40) Place of birth: Szeged Citizenship: Hungary Appointed: 01/04/2021. This overview shows the selected player's opponents and his performance record against them. Date of birth/Age: Mar 22, 1981 (40) Place of birth: Szeged Citizenship: Hungary 1 1. Imre Szabics. This is the profile site of the manager Imre Szabics. This is the match sheet of the UEFA-Cup game between SK Sturm Graz and Levski Sofia on Oct 31, 2002. 1 1. Embed the squad on your homepage. Pajovic. März 1981: Geburtsort: Please click the button "Send inquiry" which opens a new e-mail message. Imre Szabics. This is the match sheet of the Nemzeti Bajnokság game between MTK Budapest and MOL Fehérvár FC on Apr 29, 2021. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Sandu Adrian Tiberiu im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Szabics Imre transfermarkt; játékos. Several filters can be selected. FSV Mainz 05 2006 - 2007 FC Augsburg 2007 - 2010 SK Sturm Graz 2010 - 2013. szeptember eredmények / elismerések. Imre Szabics former footballer from Hungary Second Striker last club: SK Sturm Graz * Mar 22, 1981 in Szeged, Hungary Personalia Geburtstag: 22. Imre Szabics Imre Szabics im Jahre 2013. 4. The list shows several stats such as the number of goals both have been involved in or the amount of matches and minutes. Please add the homepage on which the squad is supposed to be embedded. Szabics was born in Szeged where he played as a youngster. Die Tabelle gibt zudem Aufschluss über den Amtsein- und den -austritt des Trainers. Koutroumpis . The squad overview can be embedded on the own homepage via iframe. Several filters can be selected. The list shows several stats such as the amount of matches and minutes he has played against an opponent. This page shows all ever transfers of the VfB Stuttgart, including arrivals, departures and loans. FC Köln 2005 - 2006 1. This is the market value site of Karriereende player Imre Szabics which shows the market value development of the player in his career. Imre Szabics. The site lists all clubs he coached and all clubs he played for. pályafutás. Ferencvárosi TC 1998 - 1999 SK Sturm Graz 1999 - 2003 VfB Stuttgart 2003 - 2005 1. It also displays the transfer fees. Kastrati . With Transfermarkt's Groundhopping tool, you can collect all of your matches in one list and view lots of statistics. Ebben a sorozatban magyar játékosok emlékezetes külföldi teljesítményeit mutatjuk be.Zene:Evalk-Adventure, Jim Yosef & Alex Skrindo-Passion.Kép:hatharom.com WorldFootball.net player ID: imre-szabics Transfermarkt player ID: 3074 National-Football-Teams.com player ID: 3018 FootballDatabase.eu player ID: 3455 Fussballdaten.de player ID: imre-szabics ESPNFC.com player ID: 84720 Imre Szabics ehemaliger Fußballspieler aus Ungarn Hängende Spitze zuletzt bei SK Sturm Graz * 22.03.1981 in Szeged, Ungarn FSV Mainz 05 2006 - 2007 FC Augsburg 2007 - 2010 SK Sturm Graz 2010 - 2013. szeptember eredmények / elismerések. FC Köln 2005 - 2006 1. Perfil de entrenador de Imre Szabics: equipo actual exequipos formación preferente etapas como jugador noticias estadísticas This is the profile site of the manager Imre Szabics. After receiving the request we will send the iframe as an e-mail reply. Imre Szabics - Detailed Stats | Transfermarkt He was spotted by Ferencváros and signed for them in 1990, making his professional debut in 1998. Simply register as a Transfermarkt user and start collecting. Please add the homepage on which the squad is supposed to be embedded. Diese Statistik zeigt in der Übersicht die Vereinsdaten zu dem Vereinsvergleich zwischen FC Augsburg und 1.FSV Mainz 05. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Several filters can be selected. 49. Im Profil von Sandu Adrian Tiberiu sind 2 Jobs angegeben. Citizenship: Hungary. The site lists all clubs he coached and all clubs he played for. These are the detailed performance data of MOL Fehérvár FC player Nemanja Nikolics. This overview shows the selected player's opponents and his performance record against them. Das ist der Vorbericht zur Begegnung VfB Stuttgart gegen 1. Player: Imre Szabics, In talks with: Ferencvárosi TC, Posts: 30, Probability: 40%, Market value: - This overview shows the selected player's opponents and his performance record against them. Imre Szabics (Szeged, 22 de Março de 1981) é um futebolista húngaro que joga no FC Augsburg. Contract until:-Coaching Licence : UEFA Pro Licence Avg. Embed the squad on your homepage. Você pode ajudar a Wikipédia Esta página foi editada pela última vez às 12h49min de 10 de junho de 2019. The squad overview can be embedded on the own homepage via iframe. Imre Szabics - National team | Transfermarkt This overview shows the selected player's teammates and their combined performance record. The website contains a statistic about the performance data of the player. Pauljevic . Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. Several filters can be selected. This page contains a statistic about the player's national team career. Several filters can be selected. In the info box, you can filter by period, club, type of league and competition. Imre Szabics - History (Detailed view) | Transfermarkt Spieler: Imre Szabics, im Gespräch bei: Ferencvárosi TC, Beiträge: 0, Wahrscheinlichkeit: 40%, Marktwert: - The list shows several stats such as the amount of matches and minutes he has played against an opponent. Imre Szabics - Manager profile | Transfermarkt Imre Szabics former footballer from Hungary Second Striker last club: SK Sturm Graz * Mar 22, 1981 in Szeged, Hungary 13. He spent only one season at the club before moving to Austrian club Sturm Graz. ... Imre Szabics Újpest FC. Leistungsdaten aktuelle Saison von Imre Szabics (Karriereende) Einsätze Tore Vorlagen Karten Alle Wettbewerbe Imre Szabics - Gesamte Leistungsdaten | Transfermarkt Um die Seite nutzen zu können, schalten Sie bitte Ihr Javascript ein. Imre Szabics (36) ist ein ungarischer Fußballprofi, der seit Sommer 2010 wieder bei Sturm Graz kickt. Player: Imre Szabics, In talks with: FK Austria Wien, Posts: 54, Probability: 17%, Market value: - Imre Szabics All fixtures. This page contains information about a player's detailed stats. Ferencvárosi TC 1998 - 1999 SK Sturm Graz 1999 - 2003 VfB Stuttgart 2003 - 2005 1. Mitarbeiterprofil von Imre Szabics: aktueller Verein Ex-Vereine Bevorzugte Formation Stationen als Spieler News Statistiken Imre Szabics - Trainerprofil | Transfermarkt Um die Seite nutzen zu können, schalten Sie bitte Ihr Javascript ein. Imre Szabics is a Hungarian football manager and former professional footballer. After receiving the request we will send the iframe as an e-mail reply. This is the match sheet of the World Cup qualification Europe game between Croatia and Hungary on Sep 4, 2004. pályafutás. Diese Statistik zeigt in der Detailansicht die bisherigen Stationen von Imre Szabics. 30. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Sandu Adrian Tiberiu und … The list shows several stats such as the amount of matches and minutes he has played against an opponent. 98 talking about this. Szabics Imre transfermarkt; játékos. This overview shows the selected player's teammates and their combined performance record. Good form led to an international call-up in 2003, after which he signed for German … Diese Statistik zeigt alle Leistungsdaten von Imre Szabics. Ristevski. The list shows several stats such as the number of goals both have been involved in or the amount of matches and minutes. FC Köln am Nov 26, 1980 im Wettbewerb UEFA-Cup Antonov . term as coach : 0.18 Years . Imre Szabics. Date of birth/Age: 22/03/1981 (40) Place of birth: Szeged. Starting Line-up: 3-5-2 Substitutes 1. The "Detailed stats" tab shows a p Die Anzeige kann nach Saison, Verein, Ligahöhe und Wettbewerb gefiltert werden. Trainerprofiel van Imre Szabics: Actuele club Ex-clubs Favoriete opstelling Clubs als speler Nieuws Statistieken Imre Szabics - Trainersprofiel | Transfermarkt … Imre Szabics All fixtures. 21. This is the national team page of Karriereende player Imre Szabics.

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