Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' Origanum 'Rosenkuppel' Panicum virgatum 'Hot Rod' Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Patrinia aff. Perennial: Drought tolerant. Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopley′s Purple’. Very showy and mild tasting. Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' — $ 10 Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' — $ 8 Origanum rotundifolius 'Kent Beauty' — $ 7.49 + Blumen-Dost 'Hopleys' Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley' ... Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley' zu einer fantastischen Schnittblume macht. Tax included. Bamboo Pipeline is the single source supply solution for landscape pros, delivering wholesale nursery plants and trees and a full range of other landscape materials directly to your job site – … Origanum laevigatum is a shrubby, woody-based marjoram or oregano that is native to rocky areas of Turkey and Cyprus. Tiny, purplish-pink, two-lipped flowers (typical mint family) rise above the foliage in summer in terminal or axillary spikes. Flowers bloom from June to September. Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopleys’ (oregano) Phormium (New Zealand flax) Stachys Verbena bonariensis (tall verbena) Yucca (Adam’s needle) Shrubs. The flowers hold their colour when dried and are very attractive to butterflies and beneficial insects. Hopley's Purple Oregano takes heat, and drought, and looks great in the garden planted with white flowering perennials (like the W hite Grosso Lavender pictured to the left) or oranges (like Gaillardia).This gorgeous ornamental oregano blooms from mid summer until mid fall. USDA Zone: 6-9. Bloom time: spring-fall. Plant Family: Lamiaceae. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' £5.99. De grond waarin hij groeit mag niet te rijk zijn. ‘Herrenhausen’ (Zones 5–8) displays masses of … De hoogte van Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' bedraagt circa 25-35 cm en het blad is blauwgroen. Origanum laevigatum 'Pilgrim' $11.00. Origanum vulgare subsp. Shipping information FAQ. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' is uitstekend te gebruiken in de voorrand van een vaste plantenborder of in een kruidentuin. Hopley's Purple Oregano takes the heat and drought. This ornamental Oregano flowers for a long time, late Spring through Fall, and unlike the culinary varieties it doesn't run amok too quickly. Flowers bloom from June to September. Oregano 'Herrenhausen'(Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' )Herb in 1 litre Pot . I’ve grown it for 20 years and have a good patch in the dry garden. The beds are lit with the contrasting tones of the pink and green tulip ‘Virichic’ and the deep, dark ‘Black Hero’, all set into a patchwork of bee-friendly oreganos (Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopleys’ and lime-green Origanum vulgare ‘Thumble’s Variety’) in beds edged with soft mounds of Daphne x transatlantica Eternal Fragrance (= ‘Blafra’) and Teucrium x lucidrys. aka Origanum microphylla, Cretan Oregano, Oregano, Small Leaved Oregano. Excellent for a butterfly garden. Deer resistant. Needs well drained soil full sun and will take dry to moderately moist conditions. Stagnerend water in de bodem kan het afsterven van de wortels betekenen. Spread 45cm. Height 45cm. Synonyms Origanum 'Hopley's Purple' . aka Origanum laevigatum 'Pilgrim', Pilgrim Flowering Oregano. Plant Description: Erect herbaceous perennial with woody base grown primarily for its ornamental value. Origanum is best known for O. vulgare the herb we commonly call Oregano, however their is more to this genus than the common form. Shipping information FAQ. Variety or Cultivar 'Hopleys' _ 'Hopleys' is a woody-based, deciduous perennial forming a loose clump of upright, wiry stems bearing small, ovate, dark green leaves and dense whorls of tubular, two-lipped, deep pink flowers from late spring into autumn. Origanum 'Kent Beauty' 5.00. Large flower sprays of red-violet flowers rise far above the foliage in the summer. Origanum vulgare 'Aureum' Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopleys’ Origanum species. Find the perfect Origanum Vulgare Flowers England stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Purple Marjoram, Ornamental Oregano, Showy Oregano 'Hopley's' (Origanum laevigatum) by GardenGuyKin Oct 23, 2005 5:41 PM. well-drained soil . Neutral. Although I think 'Herrenhausen' is the best form of Origanum laevigatum, there are other good varieties on offer. 'Hopleys' is daintier, airier and pinker. The hybrid 'Rosenkuppel' is taller with wine-red flowers. There is also a new, larger-flowered form called 'Purple Charm'. Herb border, Origanum vulgare, lavender. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' Plant Details: Plant Type: Perennial. Very tough. Origanum laevigatum is a shrubby, woody-based marjoram or oregano that is native to rocky areas of Turkey and Cyprus. USDA Zone: 6-9. Oregano: Hopleys (Origanum laevigatum) Vendor The Culinary Herb Company Regular price £2.85 Sale price £2.85 Sale. De standplaats dient zonnig en goed gedraineerd te zijn. Explore the fantastic range of products available online and instore. Dark green leaves are borne on purple-red stems and though … Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' Other names. This is a selection of O. laevigatum made 25 or 30 years ago at a famous English Nursery. Origanum vulgare 'Aureum'. It is grown predominantly for its beautiful pink flowers backed by deep-purple calices which are a fabulous display through the summer months. punctiflora; Pennisetum macrourum; Pennisetum orientale 'Karley Rose' (PBR) Pennisetum orientale 'Tall Tails' Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails' Penstemon 'Pensham Plum Jerkum' (Pensham Series) ORNAMENTAL OREGANO Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' GREAT BURNET Sanguisorba officinalis 'Tanna' HORSETAIL RESTIO Elegia capensis. Tiny, purplish-pink, two-lipped flowers (typical mint family) rise above the foliage in summer in terminal or axillary spikes. Product details. aka Dittany of Crete. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' 5.00. Mounding ornamental herb 18-24 high and wide. Shear occasionally for neatness. An excellent Zone 6 perennial. Artemisia species (wormwood) Brachyglottis Duneden hybrids ‘Sunshine’ (a.k.a. Origanum laevigatum is a shrubby, woody-based marjoram or oregano that is native to rocky areas of Turkey and Cyprus. Botanical Name:Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley's' Hopley’s Oregano is a popular ornamental variety of oregano, growing about 45-60 cm high and spreading a similar distance creating small, trailing mounds. Plants may be grown as annuals north of USDA Zone 6. Plants may also be grown in containers that are overwintered indoors in a cool sunny window. Origanum laevigatum is a shrubby, woody-based marjoram or oregano that is native to rocky areas of Turkey and Cyprus. Origanum Origanum. Extremely attractive to butterflies. from July to September above small aromatic, dark green leaves. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' Origanum vulgare 'Aureum' Herb seedlings in wooden seed trays on greenhouse potting bench, thyme, marjoram, Origanum vulgare 'Aureum', chamomile, sage, Primula auricula in terracotta containers. purplish pink, June-Sept . It has a semi-creeping behavior for its stems of tiny leaves, with a combined upright & leaning habit for the sprays of wee purple blooms, as much as two feet tall, usually a bit shorter, sometimes taller. De lilaroze bloemen verschijnen in de periode juli-september. Origanum vulgare 'Compactum' 5.00. Close look at the stems and foliage. Osteospermum 'Lady Leitrim' £5.99. Origanum laevigatum Hopleys Purple is a pleasant addition to the perennial bed. Oregano 'Hopley's' (Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys')Herb in 1Litre Pot. A very popular variety of Ornamental Oregano, one of several now becoming available in North America. De planten verdragen droogte heel goed, maar winterse nattigheid en vooral een snelle afwisseling tussen bevriezen en dooien, is erg slecht. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' features long wands of purple-pink flowers in late summer and autumn, over a trailing mound of fragrant, green foliage that turns reddish-purple in autumn. Oregano 'Hopley's' is an extremely aromatic herb, native to the Mediterranean and Southern Europe, Oregano is closely related to marjoram. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley's Purple' likes dry, sandy soil, in full sun. Very attractive purplish pink flowers June September...beloved of bees. Grows in Sun to Part Sun. Smooth oregano 'Hopleys' Genus. Plant number: 1.400.931. Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopley′s Purple’. Origanum laevigatum Hopleys Purple aka Hopley's Ornamental Oregano. Ornamental Oregano. Dark green leaves have a rich purple tint, and its purplish pink flower clusters appear from late spring through autumn. Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' This plant is a creeping perennial that reaches 24 inches tall. Blooms from mid summer to late fall. A very popular variety of Ornamental Oregano, one of several now becoming available in North America. Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopleys’ is grown for its attractive gray-green foliage and its profuse summer bloom of purplish-pink flowers. Quantity must be 1 … Oregano 'Herrenhausen' is an aromatic herb, with small green, pointed leaves and a mound forming nature. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley's Purple' HOPLEY'S PURPLE OREGANO : So beautiful, yet so tough. Origanum vulgare hirtum 5.00. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' To see our assortment of fresh cut flowers and potted plants from Holland ans the rest of Europe, please check our internet shop. Val Bourne tells you all there is to know about growing Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' A dusky vision of two-tone pink and purple, this upright... Already a subscriber? Log in Origanum vulgare 'Thumble's Variety' £5.99. CRANESBILL Geranium 'Mavis Simpson' BOG SAGE Salvia uliginosa. Attracts bees, butterflies and insects. Native to Turkey, Iran & Pakistan. Nice rock garden, cut flower, container and border plant. The ornamental oreganos as distinct from the culinary species are such valuable garden plants that we use them extensively in the Dry Garden. Tiny, purplish-pink, two-lipped flowers (typical mint family) rise above the foliage in summer in terminal or axillary spikes. ORIGANUM laevigatum 'Hopley's' photo-not-available.gif. Plant number: 1.400.931. You will receive - 1 Hopleys Oregano Herb Plant in a 50 X 75mm tube - General growing instructions All of our Herb Plants are grown organically with certified organic potting mixes and fertilizers. Much admired in … Select from premium Origanum Vulgare Flowers England of the highest quality. Scientific name: Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley's Purple' Synonym: origanum 'Hopley's Purple' Family: LAMIACEAE Common names: "Marjoram" Plant Type: Evergreen perennial Conditions: Zone: 7-10 Light: Full sun best Exposure: Sheltered, enjoys lots of heat Soil: Better in poor soils, rocky gravel Moisture: Well drained - dry, handles drought Aesthetic: Plant Size: H 18-24" W 30" Leaf and … Ours is under the eaves of the house where it gets little water. Forestfarm.com carries Origanum laevigatum, more commonly known as Hopley's Purple. Der auch als Blumen-Dost bekannte 'Hopley' hält sich in der Vase über eine lange Zeit und bereichert mit seinem Aroma und der Blütenfarbe jeden Raum. Origanum microphyllum. De Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopleys’ moet absoluut zonnig staan. sun. Small, aromatic green leaves. Family Lamiaceae . Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopleys’ Pink to purple flowers August and September. Height and Spread 45cm. Origanum onites 5.00. Origin: Turkey. Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' 5.00. Other common names oregano 'Hopleys' . Coming soon! Genus Origanum may be herbaceous perennials or deciduous or evergreen sub-shrubs, with aromatic foliage and spikes of small tubular flowers usually with conspicuous bracts Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopleys’. Discover the latest news & offers from Radway Bridge Garden Centre in Hereford. Origanum vulgare 'Gold Tip' (v) £5.99. Nice cut and dried flower. hirtum £5.99. Origanum ‘Rosenkuppel’ Perennial of the year 1998. Hardiness zone 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b. Origanum 'Hot and Spicy' 5.00. 60cm. Product details. Origanum dictamnus. ... 'Hopleys' is daintier, airier and pinker. Coming soon! Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' This cultivar is quite distinctive as the flower heads are exploded into a bright pink cloud rather than a dense cluster Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' [Hopley's Purple] $11.00. Sign up for our newsletter & get 10% off at checkout. On Aug 29, 2004, smiln32 from Oklahoma City, OK (Zone 7a) wrote: All green leaves cover this 2-3 foot tall variety. Quantity: Add To Cart. purchase or buy xanax bar 2mg online. Flowers bloom from June to September. Purple red flowers. Both of these ornamental oreganos are pest-free and care-free if planted in well-drained soil and partial to full sun. Origanum laevigatum is a more upright, slender plant, reaching 60cm (24in), and it's found naturally in Syria and Turkey. Origanum Hopley's Purple can grow from 18-24 inches tall and spreads a few inches a year in each direction. Deer rabbit and gopher resistant as well as drought tolerant. In case there are any questions left and/or you would like to become our customer, please contact us through a … Coming soon! Origanum 'Pilgrim'. Ornamental Oregano. Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' £5.99. Flower Color is and blooms in . Origanum laevigatum 'Hopleys' Family: LAMIACEAE Genus: Origanum Species: laevigatum Cultivar: 'Hopleys' Common names: Oregano Distribution summary: S. Turkey to N.Syria, Cyprus Habit: Perennial Hardiness: H5 - Hardy; cold winter Garden status: Currently grown Garden location: Plants of the World (B), Europe & Middle East (J)

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