To pierce, punch, or bore a hole or holes in; penetrate. Börsenblatt-Kreuzworträtsel. A perforated eardrum (tympanum perforation) is an opening or rupture in the eardrum (tympanic membrane), the thin membrane that separates the outer ear canal from the middle ear. : colmatant ainsi ladite perforation par ledit fil, thereby filling said perforation with said thread: La présente invention concerne des récipients ayant un modèle de perforation amélioré, qui peuvent être percés sans déformation importante du récipient. obróbce mechanicznej, takiej jak perforacja lub kalibrowanie. Substantiv. Learn more. modification Kreuzworträtsel Lösungen mit 7 - 10 Buchstaben für Perforation. To pass into or through something. 2. A grenade exploded and a fragment punctured the soldier's lung. cork of vulcanised rubber, perforated with tube (E). English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. Context examples . Tear the sheet of stamps along the perforations. Learn more. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads, including interest-based ads. 32. Select Your Cookie Preferences. (Cardiac Perforation, NCI Thesaurus/ACC) Having the appearance of a sieve: containing many perforations. Symptoms include severe abdominal pain and tenderness. Contained perforation occurs when a full-thickness hole is created by an ulcer, but free spillage is prevented because contiguous organs wall off the area (as occurs, for example, when a duodenal ulcer penetrates into the pancreas). adj. more_vert. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! It can be due to a number of … With perforations on leather, special visual highlights are obtained on the one hand, while on the other hand, better ventilation across the leather is achieved, e.g., for large seat cushions or back rests. Synonyms for perforations include apertures, holes, openings, orifices, breaches, breaks, chasms, chips, clefts and cracks. perforate definition: 1. to make a hole or holes in something: 2. to make a hole or holes in something: . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples EurLex-2 EurLex-2. b. to pierce. Burrs are produced on the side of the workpiece that is against the die. Common applications are fruit and vegetable bags, hole punching and ticket punching . Laser cutting can place many precise holes in a web. Laser perforations look similar in many respects to hot needle perforations. However, laser systems are expensive. Find more similar words at! Perforation Kreuzworträtsel-Lösungen Alle Lösungen mit 7 - 15 Buchstaben ️ zum Begriff Perforation in der Rätsel Hilfe Gastrointestinal perforation is a hole in the wall of the stomach, small intestine, or large bowel. Definitions on the go. English-German Dictionary: Translation for perforation. rates The hole creates a channel that hydrocarbons can enter into the wellbore from the reservoir. Perforated guns, which are mostly electric guns are used for the making the Perforation in the well casing. Join us. The gastrointestinal tract includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. ‘The perforations allow light and view to pass through.’ ‘Sometimes the result is a perforation - a hole in the eardrum - but this often heals by itself within two months.’ ‘The pipes have perforations so some drained water can leak back into the soil as it flows the length of the pipe into a stream.’ korek z gumy z otworem na rurkę (E). Kommentare. Gastrointestinal perforation (GP) occurs when a hole forms all the way through the stomach, large bowel, or small intestine. Select Your Cookie Preferences. (Cribriform, NCI Thesaurus) The most common cause of esophageal perforation is injury during a medical procedure such as esophagoscopy or placement of a naso-gastric tube; and … On va faire un scanner pour éliminer la perforation. mechanical working such as perforation or calibration. 0 0 When perforation occurs, bacteria can pass more easily into the middle ear, potentially causing ear infections. perforation synonyms, perforation pronunciation, perforation translation, English dictionary definition of perforation. PERFORATION 'PERFORATION' is a 11 letter word starting with P and ending with N Crossword clues for 'PERFORATION' Clue Answer; Line of holes (11) PERFORATION: Small hole (11) Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for PERFORATION We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word perforation will help you to finish your crossword today. Zeige 500 passende Reime . n. 1. Am besten passende Reime für perforated cathode. It also may result from a deep penetrating wound caused by trauma. 1. the act of perforating or the state of being perforated. perforation [per″fo-ra´shun] a hole or break in the containing walls or membranes of an organ or structure of the body. Perforation is a hole created in the liner or casing of an oil well to link the well with the hydrocarbon reservoir. To pierce or stamp with rows of holes, as those between postage stamps, to allow easy separation. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads, including interest-based ads. Find the answers with Practical English Usage online, your indispensable guide to problems in English. (verb) 6. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 2. a. See more. PERFORATING 'PERFORATING' is a 11 letter word starting with P and ending with G Crossword clues for 'PERFORATING' 1. a hole made by or as if by boring, punching, or piercing through something. 2. one of a series of holes between individual postage stamps on a sheet. 3. the act of perforating. 4. the condition or state of being perforated. The arrow pierced the knight's armor, wounding him fatally. Rätsel Hilfe für Perforation v.intr. Mai 2021. von Börsenblatt . Gastrointestinal perforation, also known as ruptured bowel, is a hole in the wall of part of the gastrointestinal tract. How to use perforation in a sentence. : Let's get a CT scan with contrast, rule out the perforation. See more. The bullet perforated his calf, but the shinbone is safe. To pierce, punch, or bore a hole or holes in; penetrate. Perforate definition, to make a hole or holes through by boring, punching, piercing, or the like. Im April haben wir unter 2.140 richtigen Einsendungen dreimal je eine schicke und praktische Tasche „I love my orient“ verlost. – perfekt zum Einkaufen oder den nächsten Picknickausflug. Zeige 500 passende Reime . 3 Lösung. A hole or series of holes punched or bored through something, especially a hole in a series, separating sections in a sheet or roll. English Gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal perforation were important adverse effects and the risks of hyperglycaemia, hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and growth failure were also increased. Cardiac perforation may or may not be symptomatic and may or may not be self sealing. 1. a small hole, or a number or line of small holes, made in a sheet of paper etc. The purpose of the perforation (s) is to make the paper easier to tear. 2. the act of perforating or being perforated. v. perforar, abrir un agujero. English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. PERFORATION 'PERFORATION' is a 11 letter word starting with P and ending with N Crossword clues for 'PERFORATION' Clue Answer; Line of holes (11) PERFORATION: Small hole (11) Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for PERFORATION We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word perforation will help you to finish your crossword today. Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für "diverticular disease of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess" 1 passende Übersetzungen 0 alternative Vorschläge für "diverticular disease of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess" Mit Satzbeispielen Perforation definition is - the act or process of perforating. b. 2. a hole or holes made in something. It is a serious condition that often requires emergency surgery. Perforation definition: Perforations are small holes that are made in something, especially in paper. lode kratą metalową (rozmiar maksymalny oczek 10 mm); lub. Spaß unterwegs! Am besten passende Reime für chadless perforation. Perforation or damage to adjunct structures is also unlikely, and did not occur during our existing experience. Off the perforation centreline, however, the boundary layer profiles are highly distorted. The perforations consisted of eight 1 in. holes randomly arranged. 3. a. a method of making individual stamps, coupons, etc, easily separable by punching holes along their margins. perforation definition: 1. a hole in something: 2. a hole that goes all the way through a membrane or tissue or the act of…. La flecha perforó la armadura del caballero, hiriéndolo mortalmente. Übersetzungen für den Begriff 'perforation' im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch 1. Perforation occurs when erosion, infection, or other factors create a weak spot in the organ and internal pressure causes a rupture. Perforation definition, a hole, or one of a series of holes, bored or punched through something, as those between individual postage stamps of a sheet to facilitate separation. Find more similar words at! Free perforation occurs when bowel contents spill freely into the abdominal cavity, causing diffuse peritonitis (eg, duodenal or gastric perforation). He made a small perforation in the lining of the tube. What does perforate mean? Meanwhile, over 400 perforation patterns are available for use in many very different product and application fields, enabling the company to operate as a supplier for a great variety of different sectors, ranging from the automotive industry to IT businesses and furniture manufacturers, from air­conditioning and ventilation to noise protection [...] and the building trade. EurLex-2 … c. to puncture. Lösungen für „Perforation” 2 Kreuzworträtsel-Lösungen im Überblick Anzahl der Buchstaben Sortierung nach Länge Jetzt Kreuzworträtsel lösen! perforating definition: 1. present participle of perforate 2. to make a hole or holes in something: . Define perforation. Questions about grammar and vocabulary? 4 standard perforations are offered with an additional delivery time of 2 weeks. Other perforations are possible on request. Learn more. Perforate definition: To perforate something means to make a hole or holes in it. Synonyms for perforation include aperture, hole, opening, orifice, breach, break, chasm, chip, cleft and crack. Das hat auch darin Platz: Coole Tischtennisschläger „Augen Ping Pong“ mit Augenball und Gruselfaktor! EurLex-2 EurLex-2. d. to punch a hole in. Explotó una granada y una de las esquirlas le perferó el pulmón al soldado.

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